R-8, BLOCK-1, SHARIFABAD, F.B. AREA, KARACHI +9221-36370863 info@trcss.com.pk


I am pleased to thank all the parents who have put their generous trust in “THE ROYAL CITY SCHOOL SYSTEM”. Of course; this is the fruit of our restless efforts toward education that the kids which are more than precious for the parents, are sent to this institution to polish them and prepare them to face the challenges of life. TRCSS feels proud on the success of all its students.

I am also thankful to the loyal faculty and sincere staff members of
TRCSS who put all their efforts to quench the thirst of the students for knowledge, wisdom and education. Whether they are Vice Principals, faculty staff, teachers or even accountants, clerks, peons and security staff; they all have played such a vital role that one can say that their blood and sweat is behind our success. TRCSS has always been striving for providing the best available training services under the single roof, be it curricular or extra-curricular activities. The teaching methodologies that we adopt here incorporate the latest audio visual teaching aids that enable our educators to impart their knowledge in such a way that students could comprehend them easily. We have made our premises purpose-built so as to accommodate quite a good number of students, besides maintaining standard teachers-students proximity.

Action speaks louder than the words; our successful students are the proof of our excellence in the schooling system. I look forward to see all the students studied from this school become the role models to others and show to the world that they have got the best education from one of the best institution of Pakistan.



Founder Principal